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Sunday, April 28, 2013

Blog #6

Web 2.0 and open source textbooks
        I think Web 2.0 and open source textbooks could benefit education if done correctly. The most interesting part of the open source text book is the idea of a school having the ability to edit and mold the content to the student’s needs. The ability to edit the text can allow for revision of the text by the school without having to purchase new editions of the text every year. In many cases the text book company will make very small changes and call it a new edition in order to generate revenue. Also, a teacher can cater to the learning styles of individual students by revising the text. The open source format would also allow schools to direct funds toward other worthwhile programs within the school.

One hurdle I think teachers may face is with the school boards and management within the schools. Many principles and school boards like to have a hand in the curriculum and books which teachers use. The concept of open source textbooks may be an easier sell in the upper level grades. Also, the quality and authenticity of an open source book could become a problem. Without a reliable publisher behind these books many parents and principles may become skeptical about the content of the books.
         While I am the first to complain about the astronomical prices of textbooks I worry that creating a world where textbooks are completely open source and free will create sub-par material. I think the best thing that could happen is that the textbook publishers feel the pressure form the open source movement and lower their prices and become more innovative in how they present their content. I think that is the only way they will be able to sustain a text book market in the new web 2.0 era. I think the downside to that scenario is if they are not able to stick around and free content is the only available content. Think of it this way network tv is a sort of open source media outlet. It is free but the best shows on television are on cable or satellite. It is like the old saying you get what you pay for. For the open source idea to be of high quality there has to be some revenue stream present. If you think about it most of the open source outlets we use capture revenue in some other way. For example Spotify or Youtube are free to use but at the price of watching or listening to advertisement.
           I think the web 2.0 is a great movement and I think open source text books are an exciting new development. I am excited to see how far it will go in the coming years.

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