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Sunday, April 28, 2013

Blog #7

The Expert System and The Neural Network in action.

 The invention of the expert system and more recently the neural network has been providing quick and precise solutions for all types of industries. The expert system allows human like interaction for solving complex problems. The science is not perfect but these tools can be utilized and produce great results in certain tasks.
           One example of a real world expert system is in the agriculture industry. Every year farmers are faced with decisions that could make or break them financially. The success of their industry is dictated by the weather, crop prices, soil conditions, gas prices and millions of other factors. While being successful in many of these areas require predictions there is a specific science to many of the variables. Attempting to contemplate all of the scenarios that can happen would be very taxing for a human. This is where the expert system comes into the equation. Farmers can become experts in their own field when making decisions with the aid of the expert system. The expert system has the ability to reason like a human and the ability to interact like a human expert with the user. This is very helpful for man farmers who may be experts in the planting and harvesting side of the business but require an expert’s advice in the financial and crop market side of the business. The main advantage to the farmers is the expert system has the ability to process uncertain information. The farming business is riddled with uncertainty and any advantage a farmer can get with predicting the future he will take.
            Neural networks are becoming more and more prevalent within our world today. We live in a time where security is becoming more paramount due to the rise in attacks and violence. Security cameras are taking over the streets and public places. I recently saw the implementation of a neural network in a new security program for airports and train stations. The system utilized neural networks by tracking a person when they are in the frame of the camera and sounding an alarm if the person leaves a bag unattended. The neural network is able to recognize a person and understand when the person has actually left a bag behind. The network uses its ability to scan and read a moving object for a video feed and reason when the person has parted with something. It marks the person while also keeping track of the bag the person is carrying. The neural network uses both programmed data and real time images to perform a task.
          Both of these systems have their own place in solving specific tasks. However, I think the neural network will continue to expand because of its versatility. Being able to adapt in todays technology world Is key to being successful.

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